Model: Chemistry of Pyrotechnics 2nd ed. / Conkling
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.For the updated third edition click here.Chemistry of Pyrotechnics: Basic Principles and Theory, Second Edition by John A. Conkling & Christopher J. Mocella - Primarily driven by
advancing technology and concerns for safety, a..
Model: Glitter, Chemistry & Technique / Oglesby
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.Glitter,
The Chemistry & Technique - Lloyd Scott Oglesby's definitive study
of the phenomenon of glitter. It details the theory of glitter
production, with plenty of photographs, then shows how to use the
Model: 6" Ball Shell DVD / Stoddard volume 36
Sold out but sometimes available on Amazon. Click Here to search.6" Ball Shell Construction - by Dave Stoddard. A complete and very
informative seminar. Dave covers from what chemicals to use, to how to
carefully place the stars in the hemi, to learning the trick to closing
the two hemis toge..
Model: Abbreviated shooters course for display operators volume 15
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here SHOOTING A FIREWORKS DISPLAY! Veteran lead pyrotechnist John Steinberg
covers a wide range of subjects, from barge shooting to dealing with
wind, all aimed at making you aware of how a fireworks display is set up
and fired. Then you'll..
Model: AFN's Best Formulary book
Sold out everywhere. :-(Over 200 tried and true formulas for making great fireworks from the Best of AFN series.52 pages jam packed with great information...
Model: Best of AFN 1
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Best I (American Pyrotechnist) - We've pulled out all the how-to articles from Van's publication, American Pyrotechnist, and put them in one set of covers. All new material not printed in the other Best of books. A great collector's item! Over 4..
Model: Best of AFN II
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Best of AFN II - Simply the best fireworks book! Contains all the "how" articles that appeared in American Fireworks News, Fireworks Business, and even a few from American Pyrotechnist! 44 articles on shells, 33 on star making, 9 on rockets, 21 ..
Model: Best of AFN III
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Picks up where Best of AFN II leaves off. All the articles that appeared in the 5 years ending April '95. 200 pages jam-packed with up-to-date how-it-is-done fireworks info! From beginner to advanced worker, this book has something for everyone...
Model: best IV
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Best of AFN IV - Picks up where Best of AFN III leaves off. All the articles that appeared in the 5 years ending April, 2000. Over 200 pages jam-packed with up-to-date how-it-is-done fireworks info! Lots of articles on shell construction, star m..
Model: Best V
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Best of AFN V - Picks up where Best of AFN IV leaves off. All the articles that appeared in American Fireworks News newsletter for the 5 years ending April, 2005. Over 200 pages jam-packed with up-to-date how-it-is-done fireworks info! Lots of a..
Model: Best 6
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Best of AFN VI - Picks up where Best of AFN V leaves off.All the articles that appeared in American Fireworks News newsletter for the 5 years ending December, 2010.Over 200 pages jam-packed with up-to-date how-it-is-done fireworks info! Lots of ..
Model: Best of AFN VII
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here. Picks up where Best of AFN II leaves off. All the articles that appeared in the 5 years ending April '95. 200 pages jam-packed with up-to-date how-it-is-done fireworks info! From beginner to advanced worker, this book has something for everyone...
Model: Black powder book
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.Black Powder manufacture by Ian Von Maltitz Pyrotechnics - A book by Ian von Maltitz who spent a lifetime searching for the perfect way to make Black Powder. In 11 chapters, 160 pages, the book covers batch size, grinding techn..
Model: Blue Strobe Rockets DVD / Barr volume 27
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here BLUE STROBE ROCKETS. Join Bill "Doc" Barr in a tour of making blue
strobe rockets. Ever seen Doc's Blue Whizzees? You gotta see 'em to
believe 'em. He shows the correct method to make a nozzle, including the
correct pounding technique..
Model: Canister Shell Construction DVD / Semenza volume 13
Traditional Canister Shell Construction. Learn how multi-break shells
are made! Come into the workshop at Ideal Display. Master shellmaker Mr.
Louis J. Semenza - 60 years manufacturing display fireworks - shows us
the traditional way of making a 4" 3-break color shell with bottom shot.
He ca..
Model: Chemical magic
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.Chemical Magic by John D. Lippy Jr. and Edward L Palder. This is the most complete and authoritative book on the art of magic and the science of chemistry. This book covers over 200 effects with chemicals of every conceivable n..
Model: Clark's Giant Steel Fountain Handbook
Clark's Giant Steel Fountain Handbook - 5 chapters with articles by Dan
Williams, Carl Litton, Tenny Davis & Troubleshooting by John
Sagaria. From Steel Filings to Drilling Out the core to Fine Tuning on
the Design, this handbook has it all. Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Introduction ..
Model: Crossette Rockets DVD / Rebenklau volume 16
VERY RARE VIDEO! ALL ABOUT ROCKETS! DVDs about rockets are almost
impossible to find but now two-time Grand Master Tom Rebenklau takes us
on a tour of making rockets with crossette headings! Tom tells you about
the best formulas, how to pump comet stars, how to paper, finish &
prime sta..
Model: Endburning Rockets DVD / La Duke volume 24
ENDBURNING ROCKETS. Another popular DVD! Join Steve La Duke in making
endburning rockets. The details start right at the beginning when he
discusses in depth, the method of measuring true force that is applied
to the rammer. How about changing the comp. while ramming? Can different
comps. be..
Model: Firecrackers, The Art & History
Everything you wanted to know about firecrackers, from the 13th century
to today. A big 10"x10" book, 144 large pages, with over 240 full color
pictures, many historic seldom seen firecracker labels. Also included is
a glossary and resource guide to help in starting your label
Model: Hand Rolled Bottom Shots volume 7
Hand rolled bottom shots. Why are they so important? Bottom shots are
those salutes contained in aerial shells. Properly made for canister
shells, they form a sabot or integral part of the integrity of the
shell. Veteran shell maker Don Rowe tells how he makes better shells by
hand-rolling t..
Model: Hybrid Black Powder Rockets DVD / La Duke volume 38
HYBRID BLACK POWDER ROCKETS - by Steve La Duke. In this 100-minute
seminar, Steve demonstrates black powder rockets that whistle! See the
traditional black powder tail, get the expected snort, but now discover
the secret to making them whistle. Steve shows you his special nozzle
material, ho..
Model: Art of firework making
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.The Complete Art of Firework Making - The Pyrotechnists Treasury - The famous Kentish book, a best seller for over 100 years! Weve rekeyed the text & made a few changes, reprinted it full size, & improved the cover! 152 page..
Model: Mini Whistle Rockets DVD / La Duke volume 32
MINI WHISTLE ROCKETS - by Steve La Duke. In this 78-minute fascinating
seminar, Steve explains why it is so important to use a sleeve when
pressing rockets. And he explains in great detail why determining
pressing force is so necessary to keep the rocket from blowing up. He
even details how ..
Model: Multi-Break Shell DVD / Datres volume 3
shells - sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. In this DVD,
20-year fireworks veteran Dave Datres shows you his method of making
multi-break shells. His aim: that each break bursts precisely when it is
supposed to and does exactly what is expected. Building from the first..
Model: Paper, Paste & String DVD / Vico volume 30
PAPER, PASTE, & STRING - by John "Doc" Vico. A PGI Grand Master
award-winner, John takes you on an 88-minute tour of the basic (and not
so basic) info. you need to know to make fireworks. He tells us the
characteristics of various papers, why Kraft is so suitable for so many
fireworks ap..
Model: Selected Pyrotechnic publications Parts 4-7
With this you will receive 4 books for 1 price.Here is a series of books, series 4-7 of Selected Pyrotechnic publications of K.L and BJ Kosanke.Part 4 (1995-1997)Part 5 (1998-2000)Part 6 (2001-2002)Part 7 (2003-2004)..
Model: Shooter's Course, Part II DVD / Steinberg volume 20
HINTS & TIPS ON SHOOTER'S COURSE! Veteran lead pyrotechnist John
Steinberg is back again, this time giving you more details on the
Shooter Certification Course. It's like having a personal instructor
right in your living room! This is a must-have for anyone interested in a
sneak peek at ..
Model: Special F/X News Journal
Special F/X News Journal, September/October, 1987 to July/August, 1990. All 18 Issues...
Model: Spin Stabilized Rockets Handbook
Spin Stabilized Rockets Handbook - these rockets are like normal black
powder rockets except these have a side vent hole. The second part of
this handbook gives interesting formulas to create varied colors and
effects to these rockets...
Model: Star Rolling Machine DVD volume 19
STAR ROLLING MACHINE - View a new technique for rolling stars! Join Tom
Perigrin and Skylighter's Harry Gilliam in this 45 minute DVD that
shows the operation of an inexpensive star rolling machine. Heavy duty,
self-contained apparatus does a wide range of pyro operations, from
mixing comp..
Model: Surviving a Fire Inspection DVD / Lazarus volume 43
SURVIVING A FIRE INSPECTION - Join Josh Lazarus, a twenty-year
experienced fire inspector as he takes us on a 70-minute tour of
complying with regulations for a fire inspection. Topics include: Laws,
Codes & Standards; Reasons for Inspections; Buildings; Systems &
Occupancies; Making..
Model: firemaker book
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.Back in the olden, golden days of yesteryear (1996-2001) lived a brave young prophet of pyrotechnics. Our valiant hero invested countless hours and pounds of sweat and tears trying to perfect the art of pyrotechny. Additionally, he ..
From A to Z this book covers it all! ---------------------------------------------------------Many
areas of applied pyrotechnics, fireworks in particular, suffer from a
lexicon that contains many specialized terms, is poorly documented, and
about which there is much disagreement. For exam..
Model: The Soul of Fire / Uhlmann & Heinrich
The Soul of Fire - Now reprinted in soft cover with a newly designed
cover. This classic text tells you everything you need to know about
charcoal and more. The subtitle is "How Charcoal Changed the World" and
that it did. Read story after fascinating story about how the simple
item charcoal..
Model: The Ultimate Book of Fireworks Hints & Tips
The Ultimate Book of Fireworks Hints & Tips. More
than 200 ingenious shortcuts, ideas, and solutions to your everyday
pyro challenges from some of the best pyros in the world...
Model: Dictionary of fireworks
Sold out but available used on Amazon Click Here or eBay Click Here.Dictionary & Manual of Fireworks - Yes, Weingart's book, but now with a difference! The Carlisle-Weingart Papers: years of correspondence with Weingart. Learn how he came to write the book, discover new formulas & techniques..
Showing 1 to 37 of 37 (1 Pages)